Paving • Patching • Seal Coating
Concrete Repairs • Striping • Crack Filling

Call (559) 255-5000

P.O. Box 8262
Fresno, CA 93747
Contractor Lic. 969739

What is the first thing you notice when you enter a parking lot?

Usually you would notice the overall condition of the parking lot and markings on the asphalt such as parking stall lines and arrows directing you where to drive & then park.

A newly striped parking lot would help eliminate the confusion & direct your customers, clients or visitors to safely maneuver around the parking lot & find their destination in a timely manner.

Well marked parking stalls, ADA (American Disability Act) stalls, pedestrian crosswalks, designated areas such as loading zones or pick up or drop off areas only enhances your visitors experience to your facility.

We think all customers want a parking lot to be easy to access ,park their vehicle & then exit in a quick & safe manner. We can help provide this experience to you & your customers.

Our services pertaining to Parking lots that we provide, but not limited to are as follows:

  • The re-striping of Apartment Complexes ,Commercial parking lots, Churches, Industrial Parks, Packing sheds, Mobile home Parks, Shopping Centers, etc.
  • The installation of new signs & poles (All ADA signage & custom signage as well).
  • The removal & replacement of broken wheel stops.
  • Bollard installation & painting.
  • Custom stenciling.
  • Speed bump installation.