Paving • Patching • Seal Coating
Concrete Repairs • Striping • Crack Filling

Call (559) 255-5000

P.O. Box 8262
Fresno, CA 93747
Contractor Lic. 969739

We remove & replace damaged concrete to help eliminate trip hazards or to help eliminate more structural damage in the immediate area.

Our services consists of Valley gutter replacement, curbs & gutters, damaged sidewalks, approaches, or trash enclosure pads.

Step 1
Saw cut & remove damaged concrete.

Step 2
Haul off & dispose of above said debris to a local recycling facility.

Step 3
Fine grade area to be repaired.

Step 4
Set up forms & reinforce with concrete stakes.

Step 5
Install #4 rebar as needed.

Step 6
Provide & place new concrete to match existing width & depth as per before unless specified differently in contract.

Step 7
Broom finish & install all necessary expansion joints.

Step 8
Provide traffic cantrol in work area.

Step 9
Patch back full depth with hot mix asphalt as per before if necessary.